Hole machining operation


Application area:

The hole machining operations are designed for drilling, centering, boring, countersinking, tapping, thread milling and hole pocketing. It can machine holes that are not lying in the same plane and that are not lying in orthogonal planes. The operation can be used both for the machining of holes in a model, or for pre-drilling of the tool plunge points for the pocketing and operations.


The Setup tab is used to configure the primary parameters of the project. This can involve the positioning of the part on the equipment, the coordinate system of the part, and more. See more

Job assignment:

Center. Create hole by center point.

Create. Create hole by coordinates input. See more

Recognize. Automatically recognize holes in the part. See more

Pattern. Create holes array by pattern. See more

Properties. Displays the properties of an element. You can also call this menu by double clicking on an item in the list. See more

Sorting. Sorting using some parameters to sort holes list. See more

Delete. Removes an item from the list.


Drilling Type.

This group defines the basic parameters of various types of hole processing.

Hole sorting.

Hole processing order

Use holes coordinate system.

NC Code Format

Defines how the drilling operation is output.


Parameter's kit of operation, which allow to execute converting of coordinates for calculated within operation the trajectory of the tool. See more

See also:

Types of machining operations

Operation for 2/2.5-axes milling

The ways of the holes machining