Application Toolbar

The Application Toolbar is positioned on the top panel of the main window. Several buttons within this toolbar include associated drop-down menus, allowing for expanded functionality.


Application Button Menu


New Project Button Menu


The New Project button menu includes the following options:

  • New Project: Closes the current project and initiates a new project in the current tab.

  • New Project in New Tab: Opens a new tab and creates a new project inside it.

  • Create from Machine Setup File: Closes the current project and creates a new one from a machine setup file. You can choose from recently opened machine setup files or browse your drives to select a file.

  • New Project With Machine Setup In New Tab: This option allows you to start a new project in a separate tab using a machine setup file. You can select from your recently used setup files or browse your drives to select a file. The current project will remain open in its original tab, while the new project is created in a new one.

Open Project Button Menu


The Open Project Button provides several options:

  • Open Project: Loads an existing project via a standard file selection dialog.

  • Open Project In New Tab: Opens an existing project in a new tab, allowing you to keep your current project open while working on another one simultaneously. You can select the project file via a standard file selection dialog, making it easy to switch between multiple projects without closing your current workspace.

  • Project Library: Opens a window to search for and open sample projects from around the world.

  • Open ENCY Tuner Project: Loads a project created within ENCY Tuner. Holding the cursor over this item reveals the option to open the project in a new tab.

  • Import Machine Setup: Imports data from a machine setup file into the current project.

  • Additionally, a list of recently loaded projects is available. Each project in this list has a drop-down menu offering further actions, such as:

    • Load Recent Backup Versions (Snapshots): Quickly load backup versions of the project.

    • Open Project in New Tab: Opens the selected project in a new tab.

    • Snapshots Manager: Opens the snapshot management window to manage all snapshots (backup versions) of the project.

    • Show File in Explorer: Opens Windows Explorer and selects the project's file.

Save Project Button Menu


The Save Project Button offers the following options:

  • Save Project: Saves all changes to the current project. If the project has not been saved before, the system will request a new name.

  • Save As...: Saves the project under a new name via a save dialog.

  • Export Project With History: Exports the project along with its full modification history, including snapshots made throughout the project lifecycle.

  • Save as Machine Setup: Saves the current project template to a machine setup file.

  • Export Drill Points: Opens a window to export drill points of the current operation (if a Holes page exists in the properties) to a DXF file. This file can be imported into another project's model page.

Additional Tools and Buttons

Several additional tools and buttons are available for further functionality:

images/download/thumbnails/128530385/image2024-6-26_17-23-52.png Smart Snap: Enables or disables snapping to objects in the graphics window.

images/download/thumbnails/128530385/image2024-6-26_17-25-4.png Geometry Measuring: Activates the measurement mode for objects within the graphics window.

images/download/thumbnails/128530385/image2024-6-26_17-26-1.png Measure Tool: Allows for measuring distances between two arbitrary points on the screen.

images/download/attachments/128530385/image2024-6-26_17-27-42.png Help: Provides access to the help menu.

See also:

System's main window