Turn take over

Application area:

Turn take over is the special kind of pick and place operation designed to use in the lathe or swiss-lathe project template. The main difference of the Turn take over operation from the simple pick and place (See more) is that it takes Workpiece connector and Setup CS automatically from the next part of the project. Also the set of operation parameters is adapted specifically for the lathe or swiss-lathe type of machining.


The Setup tab is used to configure the primary parameters of the project. This can involve the positioning of the part on the equipment, the coordinate system of the part, and more. See mor


Physic output.

"Multigoto" or "Goto" commands and coordinates are generated to move the machine axes

Pick feed distance.

The length of the movement which is done using the engage feed before picking the part.

Return feed distance.

Length of the spindle movement on "Retract" feed after picking the part.

Use canned cycle.

Output the operation as a cycle.

Integrate with

Takeover operation will be syncronized with the selected cut-off operation

Initial clamp(IC)/Final clamp(FC)

A clamp device which initially holds the part / A clamp device which final holds the part. Special CLData commands for clamping/unclamping the device are outputted automatically.