Working with cutting tools
Three types of cutting tools are available: milling tools, turning tools and custom axial shaped tools. To create cutting tools using the CAMAPI, use the IMTI_MachiningTools instance functions:
- Milling tools create functions:
- CreateCylindricalMill
- CreateSpphericalMill
- CreateTorusMill
- CreateDoubleRadialMill
- CreateLimitedDoubleRadialMill
- CreateConicalMill
- CreateLimitedConicalMill
- CreateEngraver
- CreateDrill
- CreateTwoStageDrill
- CreateSpotDrill
- CreateCenterDrill
- CreateReamer
- CreateCounterSinkDrill
- CreateCounterBoreDrill
- CreateBoringBar
- CreateTap
- CreateNegativeRadiusMill
- CreateKnife
- CreateSawBlade
- CreateJetCutter
- CreateFlatTipCountersink
- CreatePilotCounterbore
- CreateBackBoringBar
- CreateThreadMill
- CreateUndercutDoveMill
- CreateUndercutSlotMill
- CreateUndercutLollipopMill
- CreateUndercutTwoAngleMill
- CreateUndercutRoundGrooveMill
- CreateUndercutSharpChamferMill
- CreateUndercutRoundedChamferMill
- CreateUndercutIndexableChamferMill
- CreateUndercutBarrelMill
- CreateUndercutLensBarrelMill
- CreateUndercutTaperBarrelMill
- CreateTaperJetCutter
- CreatePlazmaJetCutter
- CreateLaserJetCutter
- CreateEmptyGripper
- CreateSingleVacuumGripper
- CreateFullConeSprayGun
- CreateHollowConeSprayGun
- CreateElipticFlatFanSprayGun
- CreateElipticLinearFanSprayGun
- CreateRectangularFlatFanSprayGun
- CreateSphericalProbe
- Turning tools create functions:
- CreateTurnToolWithExternalHolder
- CreateTurnToolWithBoringHolder
- CreateTurnToolWithExternalThreadingHolder
- CreateTurnToolWithInternalThreadingHolder
- CreateTurnToolWithExternalGroovingHolder
- CreateTurnToolWithInternalGroovingHolder
- CreateTurnToolWithFaceGroovingHolder
- CreateTurnToolWithProbingHolder
- Custom axial shape tool functions:
- CreateCustomAxialShapeTool.
Helpful links:
- How to work with cutting tools in the CAM interface
- Preparing the machining tools import api environment
- GitHub: Machining tool import API examples;