Register List

INCT_SysState - machine-stand system status interface. At the moment, the interface provides work with the generated list of registers (taking into account the settings file, the program library and the interpreter's parents). To distinguish the generated list of registers from the initial registers of the interpreter, the settings file and the parent interpreters, the generated list of registers is called the base list of registers.

Description of interface methods:


Method Description

Description of use


The function returns the first, found by address, base register (interface INCT_BaseReg).

Input parameter: Addr (string) - register address

The function can be used to search for the base register by address when analyzing the text of the G-code for implementing INCT_Interpreter.TransLine.


The function returns the next one, starting from FromIdx, found at the address of the base register (interface INCT_BaseReg).

Input parameter: FromIdx (integer) - the starting index, Addr (string) - the address of the register

The function can be used to search for the base register by address when analyzing the text of the G-code for implementing INCT_Interpreter.TransLine.


The function returns the base register by index (INCT_BaseReg interface)

Input parameter: Index (integer) - register index.

The function can be used to obtain the base register by index when searching the base registers (for example, to obtain the initial values of the tool position axes associated with the base registers).


The function returns the base case by name (interface INCT_BaseReg)

Input parameter: Name (integer) - the name of the register.

The function can be used to search for the base register by name, to determine the index of the register when implementing INCT_Interpreter.DefineRegister.


The function returns the number of base registers.

The function can be used to obtain the number of base registers for subsequent enumeration of base registers (for example, to obtain initial values of tool position axes associated with base registers).

INCT_SysState2 - machine-stand system status interface.

Description of interface methods:


Method Description

Description of use


The function returns the spindle states (INCT_SpindleState interface).

Spindle states are used to store and exchange information between the interpreter and its parent(s).


The function returns the register by index (INCT_Register interface).

Input parameter: Index (integer) - the register index.

The function can be used to search for a register by name or by iterating through the required parameter. For example, to retrieve the values of the register INCT_Register.Values (which are not available in INCT_BaseReg).


The function returns the register by name (INCT_Register interface).

Input parameter: Name (string) - the register name.


The function returns the number of basic registers.

INCT_SpindleState - spindle state interface. The spindle state is shared between the interpreter and its parent(s). It is intended for storing and exchanging the spindle state between the interpreter and its parent(s).

Description of interface methods:


Описание метода


The function returns the maximum spindle speed (real number).


The method sets the maximum spindle speed.

Input parameter: Value (real number) - maximum spindle speed.


The function returns the spindle speed (real number) when the constant cutting speed mode is off (Get_CSS = False).


The method sets the spindle speed.

Input parameter: Value (real number) - spindle speed.


The function returns the spindle speed (real number) for the constant cutting speed mode (Get_CSS True).


The method sets the spindle speed for the constant cutting speed mode.

Input parameter: Value (real number) - spindle speed.


The function returns the spindle speed range number (integer).


The method sets the spindle speed range number.

Input parameter: Value (integer) - spindle speed range number.


The function returns the spindle rotation direction (boolean).


The method sets the spindle rotation direction.

Input parameter: Value (boolean) - spindle rotation direction.

True - clockwise
False - counterclockwise


The function returns the constant cutting speed flag of the spindle (boolean).


The method sets the constant cutting speed flag of the spindle.

Input parameter: Value (boolean) - constant cutting speed flag of the spindle.

True - constant cutting speed mode is enabled
False - constant cutting speed mode is disabled


The function returns the maximum number of rotations for the constant cutting speed of the spindle (real number) (Get_CSS = True).


The method sets the maximum number of revolutions for the constant cutting speed of the spindle.

Input parameter: Value (real number) - maximum number of revolutions.


The function returns the angle of the oriented spindle stop (real number).


The method sets the angle of the oriented spindle stop.

Input parameter: Value (real number) - angle of the oriented spindle stop.


The function returns the spindle status (last executed command) (TNCSpindleCommand).


The method sets the spindle status (last executed command).

Input parameter: Value (TNCSpindleCommand) - spindle status.

scOn - enabled
scOff - disabled
scOrient - oriented stop


The function returns the flag indicating any change in the INCT_SpindleState parameters, except for the spindle number, since the last spindle command execution (boolean).

True - one of the parameters has changed
False - parameters have not changed


The method sets the flag indicating any change in the INCT_SpindleState parameter, except for the spindle number, since the last spindle command execution. This is used when inheriting interpreters. The command to turn the spindle on/off/stop is executed by one of the interpreters, usually the last inheritor.

Input parameter: Value (boolean) - flag indicating a parameter change.


The function returns the spindle number (integer).


The method sets the spindle number.

Input parameter: Value (integer) - spindle number.


The function returns the flag indicating a change in the spindle number (boolean).


The method sets the flag indicating a change in the spindle number.

Input parameter: Value (boolean) - flag indicating a change in the spindle number.

INCT_BaseReg - the interface provides work with the base register.

Description of interface methods:


Method Description

Description of use


The method sets a new value to the base register. The base register has three fields for storing a value — a string, a fractional number, an integer. If the new value is not empty, then it is written in a field with a string, converted and written into fields with integer and fractional numbers.

Input parameter: Value (string) - new register value.

The function can be used in the interpretation of tokens and semantic structures that affect the value of the register (for example, functions).


The function returns the address of the base register (string).

No input parameters.

Functions can be used to obtain the corresponding parameters of the base register during the initialization, translation or interpretation of the text of the G-code.


The function returns the name of the base register (string).

No input parameters.


The function returns the identifier of the base register in the kinematic scheme of the machine (string).

No input parameters.


The function returns the index of the base register in the register list (integer).

No input parameters.


The function returns the string value of the base register (string).

No input parameters.


The function returns the numeric value of the base register (integer).

No input parameters.


The function returns the numeric value of the base register (integer).

No input parameters.