CAM system kernel interface

INCT_Kernel CAM system kernel interface. The interface provides the work with the text of the G-code and the restart of the interpreter in the mode of contour retrieval.

Description of interface methods:


Method Description

Description of use


The feature returns the interface of interaction with the NС program of the current operation ( INCT_ProgramManager )

  1. If a postprocessor generates multiple files for the current operation, you can use the INCT_ProgramManager interface to adjust the order of the NC program to the interpreter.

  2. To receive only a portion of the NC program (e.g., by the labels in the program).


The function starts a new instance of the interpreter for analyzing the text of the control program and obtaining the contour.

Input Parameters: NCProgram (INCT_Program interface) G-code text; Contour (IUnknown interface) — contour interface.

If a contour machining cycle turning tool (analogue CYCLE95 for the Sinumerik stand) is not built into the core of the driver (Turning machining cycle) to form the toolpath, it is possible to launch a new copy of the interpreter to independently obtain the geometry from the contour path tool. The InterpreteContour function is intended for this purpose.

To form the contour geometry, you need:

  1. Get the text of the G-code by contour marks, using the appropriate function (e.g., GetProgramByLabels).

  2. Implement the Contour object, which must have an interface for transmitting and receiving the tool path in the form and format in which the interpreter’s developer needs it.

  3. Execute the InterpreteContour function, to which as parameters to transfer the objects obtained in the first and second steps (the text of the G-code of the contour and the Contour object).

During the execution of the InterpreteContour function, CAM system will receive a new instance of INCT_Interpreter from the interpreter library, initialize the new interpreter, in the SetInterface method, in addition to the normal list of interfaces, transmit the new instance of Contour to the new instance, perform the translation and interpret the transmitted text of the G-code similarly to the usual interpretation. In the process of interpretation, the interpreter, understanding that it is in the mode of contour formation (see Get_IsContourMode) must form a contour path using its own Contour object and an interface designed to save the geometric path.

After the InterpreteContour function is completed, the Contour object will contain a geometric contour path, ready for use to form the tool path in the primary instance of the interpreter.


The function returns the sign of the operation of the interpreter instance in the contour formation mode.

Output parameter: (boolean) True — in the mode of contour formation, False — in the mode of tool path formation.

No input parameters.

If, during operation, the interpreter launches its new copy independently (for more details, see InterpreteContour), then the newly created instance of the interpreter needs to understand what mode it is running. If the new interpreter is launched in the contour formation mode, then the interpreter must form the contour geometry in the text of the G-code (see the Contour object). If the new interpreter is not launched in the mode of contour formation, then the interpreter must form the tool movement trajectory in the text of the G-code.

INCT_Kernel2 — CAM system kernel interface.

Description of interface methods:


Method Description

Description of use


The method switches the translation and interpretation to the specified by the NCProgram text of the NC program for the number of times specified by the Count parameter. After completion, the translation of the NCProgram text will continue from the point where it was stopped.

Input parameters: NCProgram (interface INCT_Program) - the text of the NC program (subprogram); Count (integer) - the number of repetitions. t

Used for executing subprograms (CALL for Sinumerik, M99 for Fanuc).

To obtain the text of the subprogram, you need to use one of the following functions: GetProgramByLabels, GetPartByLabelsFromCurPos, GetPartByRegisters


The method outputs a message to the CAM system's log.

Input parameters:
Msg (string) - the message text;
MsgType (TNCMsgType type) - the message type:

nmtInfo - informational
nmtSuccess - successful
nmtWarning - warning
nmtError - error
nmtCritical - critical
nmtException - exception
nmtDebug - debugging

Used for debugging the interpreter's operation.


The method displays a message in the notification panel of the CAM system.

Input parameters:

Msg (string) - message text;
MsgType (type TNCMsgType) - message type (description can be found in the Log method).

Used to warn the user during the interpreter's operation.