List of interpreter registers

INCT_RegisterList interface that returns the interpreter function INCT_Interpreter.GetRegisters. The interface provides work with the list of interpreter registers.

Description of interface methods:


Method Description

Description of use


The function should return the number of interpreter registers to CAM system.

No input parameters.

When forming a general list of registers, the CAM system calls the Get_Count function, gets the number of registers, and then sequentially, for each register, calls the Get_Item function.


By register number, the function should return the INCT_Register interface to CAM system (see below).

Input parameter: Index (integer) — register number. Numbering starts with 0.

INCT_Register interface, which is returned by the function interpreter, INCT_RegisterList.Get_Item. The interface provides work with the parameters of the selected interpreter register.

Description of interface methods:


Method Description

Description of use


The function should return the register address (string) to CAM system.

No input parameters.

The register address is used by the CAM system to find the register in the register list.


The function should return the register identifier in the machine kinematic diagram (string) to CAM system.

No input parameters.

Register identifier in the kinematic scheme of the machine, if applicable. Otherwise, the string is empty.


The function should return the register name (string) to CAM system.

No input parameters.

The unique name of the register. Used to uniquely identify the register in the list.


The function should return a register comment (string) to CAM system.

No input parameters.

The function is called, but in the current version the value returned by the function is not used.


The function should return a register character type (type TNCSign) to CAM system.

sgnNoSign — without sign;
sgnMinus — only minus;
sgnPlusAndMinus plus and minus.

No input parameters.

The function is called, but in the current version the value returned by the function is not used.


The function should return register point type to CAM system (the TNCPoint enumerated type).

pntNoPoint without point;
pntPoint point may be present, maybe not;
pntAlwaysPoint the point is always present.

No input parameters.

The function is called, but in the current version the value returned by the function is not used.


The function should return to CAM system the number of characters to the register point (integer).

No input parameters.

The function is called, but in the current version the value returned by the function is not used.


The function should return the number of characters after the register point (integer) to the CAM system.

No input parameters.

The function is called, but in the current version the value returned by the function is not used.


The function should return to CAM system a sign of the presence of leading register zeros (boolean).

No input parameters.

The function is called, but in the current version the value returned by the function is not used.


The function should return to CAM system the sign of the presence of non-significant register zeros (logical).

No input parameters.

The function is called, but in the current version the value returned by the function is not used.


The function should return a register type to CAM system (the TNCValueAvailType enumerated type).

vatValue the register consists of an address and a value;
vatOnlyAddr the register consists only of the address;
vatBoth a register can consist of both an address and an address and value.

No input parameters.

Used in determining the register and its value.


The function should return a list of register values to CAM system (interface INCT_RegisterValues).

No input parameters.

INCT_RegisterValues.Get_Count number of values.

INCT_RegisterValues.Get_Value index value (Index integer)

The list of register values is used in determining the register and its value.


The function should return the register modality (logical) to CAM system.

No input parameters.

Used when copying register values after interpreting the current frame. Modal registers are included in INCT_BlockExecArray only if the register value has changed in the current frame. Non-modal, always, if present in the current frame.