Hole machining cycles <CYCLE>
<CYCLE> command is used to pass standard drilling cycles G81-G89. Use <CYCLE> command to determine cycle type and process the cycle accordingly. Cycle type is specified by the first parameter, other parameters types and their number depends on the cycle type.
CYCLE ON(71) | OFF(72) | DRILL(163) | FACE(81) | DEEP(153) |
BRKCHP(288) | TAP(168) | BORE5(209) | BORE6(210) | BORE7(211) |
BORE8(212) | BORE9(213)
Parameter |
Description |
Type |
CLD[1] |
CLD.Type |
Cycle type: 71(ON) – turn cycle on, 72(OFF) – turn cycle off, 163(DRILL) - G81 drilling cycle, 81(FACE) - G82 drilling cycle, 153(DEEP) - Deep drilling cycle, 288(BRKCHP) - Drilling with chip breaking, 209(BORE5) - G85 drilling cycle , 210(BORE6) - G86 drilling cycle, 211(BORE7) - G87 drilling cycle, |
Usually CAM system generates drilling technology similiar to the following:
GOTO.abs X, Y, Z ! Position the tool at the first hole.
CYCLE DRILL(163) ! Perform the drilling calling cycle of appropriate type.
GOTO.abs X, Y, Z ! Move the tool to the next hole.
CYCLE DRILL(163) ! Perform the drilling calling cycle of appropriate type.
GOTO.abs X, Y, Z ! Move the tool to the last hole.
CYCLE DRILL(163) ! Perform drilling by calling cycle of appropriate type.
CYCLE OFF(72) ! Turn cycle off.
The first drilling cycle command should form the NC-block containing a cycle definition (like G81) and cycle parameters.For example:
G81 X_Y_Z_R_F_
Following commands processing should form block containining only the changed registers. For example:
The <CYCLE OFF(72)> command should form the code of cancelling cycle. For example:
When developing ISO postprocessors using masks ISO.G operator can be used. The value of ISO.G is set automatically according to the following table:
CLD parameter value |
ISO.G value |
CLD[1] = 163 |
ISO.G = 81 |
CLD[1] = 81 |
ISO.G = 82 |
CLD[1] = 168 |
ISO.G = 84 |
CLD[1] = 209 |
ISO.G = 85 |
CLD[1] = 210 |
ISO.G = 86 |
CLD[1] = 211 |
ISO.G = 87 |
CLD[1] = 212 |
ISO.G = 88 |
CLD[1] = 213 |
ISO.G = 89 |
CLD[1] = 153 |
ISO.G = 83 |
CLD[1] = 288 |
ISO.G = 73 |
CLD[1] = 72 |
ISO.G = 80 |
See also:
Technology commands description
G81 drilling cycle <CYCLE DRILL(163)>
G82 drilling cycle <CYCLE FACE(81)>
G84 drilling cycle <CYCLE TAP(168)>
G85 drilling cycle <CYCLE BORE5(209)>
G86 drilling cycle <CYCLE BORE6(210)>
G87 drilling cycle <CYCLE BORE7(211)>
G88 drilling cycle <CYCLE BORE8(212)>
G89 drilling cycle <CYCLE BORE9(213)>