Corners control

Application Area:

This group of parameters allows you to to add some specific behaviour to the toolpath corners.


The corners control is only applied to the toolpath segments with an effective feed, which you can set through the "Effective feeds" parameter on the same page below.

There are two main groups of parameters that allow you to control corners: "Detection type" and "Action type".

Detection Type:

"Detection type" group of parameters shows the system how to detect corners. Now, only one parameter is available - "By angle".

By Angle.

"By angle" parameter defines the angle value in degrees. Two consecutive segments of the toolpath will be detected as a "corner", if the angle value between them is less than or equal to the defined value.


For example, the first angle with a value of 102 degrees will be marked as a corner by the system.

Action Type:

"Action type" group of parameters allows you to choose how the system will behave in corners of the toolpath. Now, only one parameter is available - "Slowdown feed by steps", which consists of 3 available options: "Slowdown percent", "Steps count", "Step length".

Slowdown Feed by Steps.

Determine the parameters that manage the step-by-step feed deceleration when passing a corner.

Slowdown percent defines the minimum feed as a percentage of the working feed in the current corner to which you need to slow down.

Steps count defines the number of steps required to reach the minimum speed.

Step length defines the length of one step.

The result of working with these parameters can be seen on the "Simulation" page. Toolpath segments in the corners will be marked with a color gradient. Also, you can see new commands added to CLDATA with reduced feed and also marked with a color gradient.
