Application area:
Mechanical weaving is used, for example, to compensate for tolerances or to bridge gaps in a seam. The torch moves across the seam in this instance and the weave oscillation is thus superposed on the seam motion. It is also possible to rotate the torch in relation to the plane of the weld (direction of welding). Can also be used for polishing.
NC Code Format.
Defines how the trajectory is output.
Pattern. Pattern defining the type of weaving.
Weave length. Oscillation step
Amplitude. The maximum displacement of a point on wave from its equilibrium position.
Weave plane. The plane in which it is determined weave.
Plane angle. Defines an additional angle of rotation of the plane
Radius. Radius for сrescent.
Project Onto Curve. If enabled: Follows all the curves of the trajectory
If disabled: Oscillations are built on straight segments equal to the length of the oscillation.